How Are Culinary Travelers Shaping The Future?

August 19, 2022
Travel Trends

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Interstate travel and holidays abroad are back on the table in full swing. But after so many months of continuous lockdown, how has the travel industry adapted to a post-pandemic world?

In 2022, the excitement of landing in a foreign country or anywhere away goes hand-in-hand with health protocols, but also a longing for deeper connections and new experiences. This exciting new age of travel is rewriting the recipe for culinary vacations.

If you’re the type who absolutely loves to travel to eat, gives emphasis on cuisine and culture, and focuses on local and sustainable produce, this is the right place to be. Let’s discuss and explore the top trends shaping culinary travel adventures around the world.

1. Gen-Z, the new culinary travel gurus.

Five years ago, Millennials, or those born between 1981 and 1996, were considered the top food travelers compared to other generations. and drinking experiences.

Now they’re closely followed by Gen Z who, despite their young age and less travel experience, are strongly motivated to discover local food and drink while traveling. The World Food Travel Association even goes so far as to classify Generation Z as “Super Foodies” due to their high interest in food, history and heritage.

Both markets are particularly important for food and beverage industry professionals to build and nurture relationships as they have decades of culinary tourism ahead of them. to them.

2. Culinary travelers are more active and spend more.

Interestingly, the survey found that culinary travelers are more interested than leisure travelers in a variety of tourism activities beyond food and drink. They seem to make the most of their travels by visiting cultural attractions, shopping, sightseeing, and attending events and performances.

Food travelers also tend to spend “24% more per day than other leisure travelers.” This is great news for all tourist destinations who can see themselves being rewarded with increased revenue from this market by organizing and promoting a range of local foodie activities.

3. Culinary travelers demand more!

Culinary travelers typically appreciate variety when it comes to their food and drink experiences, from the casual and adventurous to the high-profile affairs.

This trend is illustrated by respondents’ top 4 culinary travel activities: going to a restaurant “for an unforgettable experience”, eating at a gourmet restaurant, enjoying street food at a stand and visiting a famous restaurant or bar. In addition, culinary travelers enjoy actively engaging with food and drink by attending fairs, visiting food festivals, visiting farms and wineries, attending cooking classes, and participating in culinary tours.

4. Strongest influencers of culinary travel.

The biggest influence on travelers’ decision to visit a new destination is recommendations from friends and family. 53% of culinary travelers trust online review sites, and 41% of them are influenced by social media posts from friends and family.

We tend to trust the opinions of those close to us, and this tourism style is no exception. While social media remains an important organizational communication channel for tourism destinations, the most effective advertising is actually carried out by individual travelers who share their personal experiences on social media.

5. Local, authentic and socially responsible.

Gone are the days when most tourists preferred safe and standardized food and drink options when traveling to new destinations. Travelers are now looking for local, traditional and authentic dishes and drinks that will contribute to a better understanding of the local culture.

Offering unique dining experiences specific to a specific region or area is essential to capture the interest of the modern traveler. In addition, increasing importance is being attached to supporting socially responsible businesses, which is why 63% of millennials try to eat at places that demonstrate social responsibility.

Food and beverage companies are expected to be not only responsive but proactive in communicating with their audience about their socially responsible practices.

These food travel trends represent a tremendous growth opportunity for food and beverage companies and tourism destinations as long as they can adapt their operations, communication and marketing practices to changing customer preferences.