About Us

Experienced Team. Specialised Partner Network. Domain Expertise. Transform Today.

Our Values

Being true to oneself, living in accordance with one’s own values & beliefs, expressing oneself honestly, openly, respectfully, & appropriately in various situations. This helps us to respect ourselves & others, to cope with stress & adversity, and to grow & evolve as people.
"The truth may be one and yet many at the same time."
Swami Vivekananda
Complete Works, Vol 4
How might we experience life if we are the only person or life form on the planet? Boring? Lonely? Maybe not very meaningful. Interactions with others make our lives more meaningful. Healthy interactions require understanding another's perspective, with compassion.
"All truth and practice too strictly formulated becomes old and loses much, if not all, of its virtue; it must be constantly renovated by fresh streams of the spirit revivifying the dead or dying vehicle and changing it, if it is to acquire a new life."
Sri Aurobindo
The Synthesis of Yoga
To say what we mean and to mean what we say. Consistent and uncompromising adherence to principles and values. Earnestness of one's actions. Being whole & complete - having unity of mind, speech and action. Trikaranasuddhi.
"When your conviction of a truth is not merely in your brain but in your being, you may diffidently vouch for its meaning."
Sri Yukteswar, Guru of Paramahansa Yogananda
Autobiography of a Yogi

Our Journey

Born from the collective ambition of industry veterans and technology innovators, our mission is to expedite the journey of groundbreaking solutions from conception to global markets.

Fabric, Flavour & Thoughts on Culture.

Life's a journey, let's enjoy the ride. We believe in collaboration over competition. And in lifelong learning. We're not afraid to fail, and in our experience, that has helped us succeed more often. We like to think simply & communicate clearly. Also, to ask the hard questions - not to trouble, but to help transform. We enjoy listening to and telling stories. We have a bias for action.
More thoughts that we like
From the Agile manifesto: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools | Customer collaboration over contract negotiation | Responding to change over following a plan
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Part one
Design for Experience
Our design process includes research, modelling, design, prototyping & validation. We design for service experiences that co-create value for all stakeholders within ecosystems.

Our designers bring rich experience of working closely within and around product, technology and business teams. We are equally competent & comfortable across building right things and building things right.
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Part two
Software Engineering & Solution Building
The human centered design process considers things from 3 lenses: what's desirable, feasible, & viable. Our experienced engineering teams have a history of taking what is desirable, making it feasible, and doing so in a way that keeps it viable. Great software doesn't happen by accident. Our conscious code craftsmanship is based on best practices in the industry. It is time tested, cherished and celebrated by customers.
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Part three
Application Maintenance
Time changes technology. Machines need maintenance, enhancements, evolution. Be it feature upgrades, security updates or other forms of work needed to maintain their edge in rapidly evolving times.

Our teams have a proven track record in successfully maintaining .NET applications and modernising legacy technology implementations.

Meet our team

Our team along with our specialised partner network delivers exceptional & integrated value to clients and stakeholders.

Paritosh Chhibber
Focusses on Co-creating Impact
Nitika Pandey
Product Manager
Focusses on Delivering Value
Om Tiwari
Focusses on Journeys & Interactions
Snehal Dhadiwal
Community Builder
Focusses on Bringing People Together
Rajendra Godhade
Focusses on Making things Work
Nainik Bhat
Founders Office
Focusses on Operational Effectiveness

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Stem select research projects for funding?
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What makes investing in medical research through Stem different from other investment opportunities?
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What kind of support does Stem provide to research teams beyond financial funding?
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How does Stem mitigate risk for investors interested in funding medical research?
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How does Stem ensure the ethical and responsible development of consumer medicines?
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What is the expected timeline from investment to seeing tangible results in medical research projects?
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